Name | Lookup | Parameters | |
bid | 3e00 | 2 | |
buy_now | 3e01 | 2 | |
create_new_auction | 3e02 | 5 | |
create_new_buy_now | 3e03 | 5 | |
authorise_metaverse_collection | 3e04 | 2 | |
remove_authorise_metaverse_collection | 3e05 | 2 | |
cancel_listing | 3e06 | 1 | |
make_offer | 3e07 | 2 | |
accept_offer | 3e08 | 2 | |
withdraw_offer | 3e09 | 1 | |
finalize_auction | 3e0a | 1 |
Name | Lookup | Attributes | |
Bid | 3e00 | ["AuctionId","AccountId","BalanceOf"] | |
NewAuctionItem | 3e01 | ["AuctionId","AccountId","ListingLevel<AccountId>","BalanceOf","BalanceOf","BlockNumber"] | |
AuctionFinalized | 3e02 | ["AuctionId","AccountId","BalanceOf"] | |
BuyNowFinalised | 3e03 | ["AuctionId","AccountId","BalanceOf"] | |
AuctionFinalizedNoBid | 3e04 | ["AuctionId"] | |
CollectionAuthorizedInMetaverse | 3e05 | ["ClassId","MetaverseId"] | |
CollectionAuthorizationRemoveInMetaverse | 3e06 | ["ClassId","MetaverseId"] | |
AuctionCancelled | 3e07 | ["AuctionId"] | |
NftOfferMade | 3e08 | ["ClassId","TokenId","AccountId","BalanceOf"] | |
NftOfferAccepted | 3e09 | ["ClassId","TokenId","AccountId"] | |
NftOfferWithdrawn | 3e0a | ["ClassId","TokenId","AccountId"] | |
AuctionExtended | 3e0b | ["AuctionId","BlockNumber"] |
Name | Type | |
Auctions | {"origin":"Map","n_map_type":{"hashers":["Twox64Concat"],"key_vec":["U64"],"value":"auction_manager:AuctionInfo","keys_id":8,"value_id":435}} | |
AuctionItems | {"origin":"Map","n_map_type":{"hashers":["Twox64Concat"],"key_vec":["U64"],"value":"auction_manager:AuctionItem","keys_id":8,"value_id":436}} | |
ItemsInAuction | {"origin":"Map","n_map_type":{"hashers":["Twox64Concat"],"key_vec":["bit_country_primitives:ItemId"],"value":"Bool","keys_id":282,"value_id":102}} | |
AuctionsIndex | {"origin":"PlainType","plain_type":"U64","PlainTypeValue":8} | |
AuctionEndTime | {"origin":"Map","n_map_type":{"hashers":["Twox64Concat","Twox64Concat"],"key_vec":["U32","U64"],"value":"NULL","keys_id":121,"value_id":32}} | |
MetaverseCollection | {"origin":"Map","n_map_type":{"hashers":["Twox64Concat","Twox64Concat"],"key_vec":["U64","U32"],"value":"NULL","keys_id":407,"value_id":32}} | |
Offers | {"origin":"Map","n_map_type":{"hashers":["Twox64Concat","Blake2_128Concat"],"key_vec":["Tuple:U32U64","AccountId"],"value":"bit_country_primitives:NftOffer","keys_id":437,"value_id":438}} |
Name | Type | Value | |
AuctionTimeToClose | U32 | 64000000 | |
MinimumAuctionDuration | U32 | 2c010000 | |
MaxFinality | U32 | c8000000 | |
MaxBundleItem | U32 | 64000000 | |
NetworkFeeReserve | U128 | 000064a7b3b6e00d0000000000000000 | |
NetworkFeeCommission | U32 | 80969800 | |
OfferDuration | U32 | c0890100 | |
MinimumListingPrice | U128 | 000064a7b3b6e00d0000000000000000 | |
AntiSnipeDuration | U32 | 32000000 |
Name | Docs |
AuctionDoesNotExist | Auction does not exist |
AssetDoesNotExist | Asset for listing does not exist |
AuctionHasNotStarted | Auction has not started |
AuctionIsExpired | Auction is expired |
AuctionIsNotExpired | Auction is not expired |
AuctionTypeIsNotSupported | Auction type is supported for listing |
BidIsNotAccepted | Bid is not accepted e.g owner == bidder, listing stop accepting bid |
InsufficientFreeBalance | Insufficient free balance for bidding |
InvalidBidPrice | Bid price is invalid |
NoAvailableAuctionId | Auction is not found, either expired and not valid |
NoPermissionToCreateAuction | Has no permission to create auction. Check listing authorization |
NoPermissionToCancelAuction | Has no permission to cancel auction. |
CannotBidOnOwnAuction | Self bidding is not accepted |
InvalidBuyNowPrice | Buy now input price is not valid |
InvalidAuctionType | Invalid auction type |
ItemAlreadyInAuction | Asset already in Auction |
WrongListingLevel | Wrong Listing Level |
FungibleTokenCurrencyNotFound | Social Token Currency is not exist |
AuctionEndIsLessThanMinimumDuration | Minimum Duration Is Too Low |
ExceedFinalityLimit | There is too many auction ends at the same time. |
ExceedBundleLimit | There is too many item inside the bundle. |
EstateDoesNotExist | Estate does not exist, check if estate id is correct |
LandUnitDoesNotExist | Land unit does not exist, check if estate id is correct |
UndeployedLandBlockDoesNotExistOrNotAvailable | Undeployed land block does not exist or is not available for auction |
NoPermissionToAuthoriseCollection | User has no permission to authorise collection |
CollectionAlreadyAuthorised | Collection has already authorised |
CollectionIsNotAuthorised | Collection is not authorised |
AuctionAlreadyStartedOrBid | Auction already started or got bid |
OfferAlreadyExists | The account has already made offer for a given NFT |
OfferDoesNotExist | The NFT offer does not exist |
OfferIsExpired | The NFT offer is expired |
NoPermissionToMakeOffer | No permission to make offer for a NFT. |
NoPermissionToAcceptOffer | No permission to accept offer for a NFT. |
NoPermissionToFinalizeAuction | No permission to finalize auction |
ListingPriceIsBelowMinimum | Listing price is below the minimum. |
MetaverseOwnerOnly | Only metaverse owner can participate |