Name | Lookup | Parameters | |
mint_land | 4000 | 3 | |
mint_lands | 4001 | 3 | |
mint_estate | 4002 | 3 | |
transfer_land | 4003 | 3 | |
create_estate | 4004 | 2 | |
transfer_estate | 4005 | 2 | |
deploy_land_block | 4006 | 4 | |
issue_undeployed_land_blocks | 4007 | 4 | |
freeze_undeployed_land_blocks | 4008 | 1 | |
unfreeze_undeployed_land_blocks | 4009 | 1 | |
transfer_undeployed_land_blocks | 400a | 2 | |
burn_undeployed_land_blocks | 400b | 1 | |
approve_undeployed_land_blocks | 400c | 2 | |
unapprove_undeployed_land_blocks | 400d | 1 | |
dissolve_estate | 400e | 1 | |
add_land_unit_to_estate | 400f | 2 | |
remove_land_unit_from_estate | 4010 | 2 | |
create_lease_offer | 4011 | 3 | |
accept_lease_offer | 4012 | 2 | |
cancel_lease | 4013 | 3 | |
remove_expired_lease | 4014 | 2 | |
remove_lease_offer | 4015 | 1 | |
collect_rent | 4016 | 2 |
Name | Lookup | Attributes | |
NewLandsMinted | 4000 | ["AccountId","MetaverseId","Vec<(i32, i32)>"] | |
TransferredLandUnit | 4001 | ["MetaverseId","(i32, i32)","AccountId","AccountId"] | |
TransferredEstate | 4002 | ["EstateId","AccountId","AccountId"] | |
NewLandUnitMinted | 4003 | ["OwnerId<AccountId, ClassId, TokenId>","MetaverseId","(i32, i32)"] | |
NewEstateMinted | 4004 | ["EstateId","OwnerId<AccountId, ClassId, TokenId>","MetaverseId","Vec<(i32, i32)>"] | |
MaxBoundSet | 4005 | ["MetaverseId","(i32, i32)"] | |
LandBlockDeployed | 4006 | ["AccountId","MetaverseId","UndeployedLandBlockId","Vec<(i32, i32)>"] | |
UndeployedLandBlockIssued | 4007 | ["AccountId","UndeployedLandBlockId"] | |
UndeployedLandBlockTransferred | 4008 | ["AccountId","AccountId","UndeployedLandBlockId"] | |
UndeployedLandBlockApproved | 4009 | ["AccountId","AccountId","UndeployedLandBlockId"] | |
EstateDestroyed | 400a | ["EstateId","OwnerId<AccountId, ClassId, TokenId>"] | |
EstateUpdated | 400b | ["EstateId","OwnerId<AccountId, ClassId, TokenId>","Vec<(i32, i32)>"] | |
LandUnitAdded | 400c | ["EstateId","OwnerId<AccountId, ClassId, TokenId>","Vec<(i32, i32)>"] | |
LandUnitsRemoved | 400d | ["EstateId","OwnerId<AccountId, ClassId, TokenId>","Vec<(i32, i32)>"] | |
UndeployedLandBlockUnapproved | 400e | ["UndeployedLandBlockId"] | |
UndeployedLandBlockFreezed | 400f | ["UndeployedLandBlockId"] | |
UndeployedLandBlockUnfreezed | 4010 | ["UndeployedLandBlockId"] | |
UndeployedLandBlockBurnt | 4011 | ["UndeployedLandBlockId"] | |
EstateLeaseOfferCreated | 4012 | ["AccountId","EstateId","BalanceOf"] | |
EstateLeaseOfferAccepted | 4013 | ["EstateId","AccountId","BlockNumber"] | |
EstateLeaseOfferRemoved | 4014 | ["AccountId","EstateId"] | |
EstateLeaseContractEnded | 4015 | ["EstateId"] | |
EstateLeaseContractCancelled | 4016 | ["EstateId"] | |
EstateRentCollected | 4017 | ["EstateId","BalanceOf"] | |
NewRound | 4018 | ["BlockNumber","RoundIndex","u64"] |
Name | Type | |
AllLandUnitsCount | {"origin":"PlainType","plain_type":"U64","PlainTypeValue":8} | |
TotalUndeployedLandUnit | {"origin":"PlainType","plain_type":"U64","PlainTypeValue":8} | |
LandUnits | {"origin":"Map","n_map_type":{"hashers":["Twox64Concat","Twox64Concat"],"key_vec":["U64","Tuple:I32I32"],"value":"bit_country_primitives:estate:OwnerId","keys_id":444,"value_id":129}} | |
NextEstateId | {"origin":"PlainType","plain_type":"U64","PlainTypeValue":8} | |
AllEstatesCount | {"origin":"PlainType","plain_type":"U64","PlainTypeValue":8} | |
Estates | {"origin":"Map","n_map_type":{"hashers":["Twox64Concat"],"key_vec":["U64"],"value":"bit_country_primitives:estate:EstateInfo","keys_id":8,"value_id":445}} | |
EstateOwner | {"origin":"Map","n_map_type":{"hashers":["Twox64Concat"],"key_vec":["U64"],"value":"bit_country_primitives:estate:OwnerId","keys_id":8,"value_id":129}} | |
NextUndeployedLandBlockId | {"origin":"PlainType","plain_type":"U128","PlainTypeValue":6} | |
UndeployedLandBlocks | {"origin":"Map","n_map_type":{"hashers":["Blake2_128Concat"],"key_vec":["U128"],"value":"bit_country_primitives:UndeployedLandBlock","keys_id":6,"value_id":446}} | |
UndeployedLandBlocksOwner | {"origin":"Map","n_map_type":{"hashers":["Twox64Concat","Twox64Concat"],"key_vec":["AccountId","U128"],"value":"NULL","keys_id":141,"value_id":32}} | |
Round | {"origin":"PlainType","plain_type":"bit_country_primitives:staking:RoundInfo","PlainTypeValue":405} | |
MintingRateConfig | {"origin":"PlainType","plain_type":"pallet_estate:rate:MintingRateInfo","PlainTypeValue":447} | |
EstateLeases | {"origin":"Map","n_map_type":{"hashers":["Twox64Concat"],"key_vec":["U64"],"value":"bit_country_primitives:estate:LeaseContract","keys_id":8,"value_id":449}} | |
EstateLeasors | {"origin":"Map","n_map_type":{"hashers":["Blake2_128Concat","Twox64Concat"],"key_vec":["AccountId","U64"],"value":"NULL","keys_id":295,"value_id":32}} | |
EstateLeaseOffers | {"origin":"Map","n_map_type":{"hashers":["Twox64Concat","Blake2_128Concat"],"key_vec":["U64","AccountId"],"value":"bit_country_primitives:estate:LeaseContract","keys_id":450,"value_id":449}} |
Name | Type | Value | |
LandTreasury | [U8; 8] | 6269742f6c616e64 | |
MinBlocksPerRound | U32 | 14000000 | |
MinimumStake | U128 | 000010632d5ec76b0500000000000000 | |
RewardPaymentDelay | U32 | 02000000 | |
NetworkFee | U128 | 0000e8890423c78a0000000000000000 | |
MaxOffersPerEstate | U32 | 64000000 | |
MinLeasePricePerBlock | U128 | 0000c16ff28623000000000000000000 | |
MaxLeasePeriod | U32 | 40420f00 | |
LeaseOfferExpiryPeriod | U32 | 10270000 |
Name | Docs |
NoPermission | No permission |
NoAvailableEstateId | No available estate ID |
InsufficientFund | Insufficient fund |
EstateIdAlreadyExist | Estate ID already exist |
LandUnitIsNotAvailable | Land unit is not available |
LandUnitIsOutOfBound | Land unit is out of bound |
UndeployedLandBlockNotFound | Undeployed land block is not found |
UndeployedLandBlockIsNotTransferable | Undeployed land block is not transferable |
UndeployedLandBlockDoesNotHaveEnoughLandUnits | Undeployed land block does not hae enough land units |
UndeployedLandBlockUnitAndInputDoesNotMatch | Number of land block credit and land unit does not match |
UndeployedLandBlockNotOwned | Account is not the owner of a given undeployed land block |
AlreadyOwnTheUndeployedLandBlock | Already own the undeployed land block |
UndeployedLandBlockFreezed | Undeployed land block is freezed |
UndeployedLandBlockAlreadyFreezed | Undeployed land block is already freezed |
UndeployedLandBlockNotFrozen | Undeployed land block is not frozen |
AlreadyOwnTheEstate | Already owning the estate |
AlreadyOwnTheLandUnit | Already owning the land unit |
EstateNotInAuction | Estate is not in auction |
LandUnitNotInAuction | Land unit is not in auction |
EstateAlreadyInAuction | Estate is already in auction |
LandUnitAlreadyInAuction | Land unit is already in auction |
UndeployedLandBlockAlreadyInAuction | Undeployed land block is already in auction |
EstateDoesNotExist | Estate is does not exist |
LandUnitDoesNotExist | Land unit does not exist |
OnlyFrozenUndeployedLandBlockCanBeDestroyed | Only frozen undeployed land block can be destroyed |
BelowMinimumStake | Below minimum staking amount |
Overflow | Value overflow |
EstateStakeAlreadyLeft | Estate stake is already left |
AccountHasNoStake | Account has not staked anything |
InvalidOwnerValue | Invalid owner value |
CoordinatesForEstateIsNotValid | Coordinate for estate is not valid |
InsufficientBalanceForDeployingLandOrCreatingEstate | Insufficient balance for deploying land blocks or creating estates |
LandUnitAlreadyInEstate | |
EstateIsAlreadyLeased | Estate is already leased |
EstateLeaseOffersQueueLimitIsReached | Estate lease offer limit is reached |
LeaseOfferPriceBelowMinimum | Lease offer price per block is below the minimum |
LeaseOfferDoesNotExist | Lease offer does not exist |
LeaseOfferAlreadyExists | Lease offer already exists |
LeaseOfferIsNotExpired | Lease offer is not expired |
LeaseDoesNotExist | Lease does not exist |
LeaseIsNotExpired | Lease is not expired |
LeaseIsExpired | Lease is expired |
LeaseOfferDurationAboveMaximum | Lease duration beyond max duration |
NoUnclaimedRentLeft | No unclaimed rent balance |